Southern Pines Hash House Harriers

Southern Pines Hash House Harriers
So you're interested in hashing?
Maybe it's because you've seen strange flour markings on roads and trails in the Southern Pines/Aberdeen area (arrows, circles, squiggly lines and the such), or you've noticed a group of people on a Friday evening senselessly running through the streets and woods shouting and hollering an incoherent language to each other. Most likely, it's because a hasher's silver tongue convinced you to consider the sport (sport?). In any event, welcome to the Southern Pines Hash House Harriers, aka, SoPiH3.
SoPiH3 has been running and drinking around the Sandhills area since 2011.
Originally founded in Kuala Lumpur, Mayasia in 1938, hashing is a mixture of athleticism, socializing, and shenanigans. Most importantly,, its a refreshing break from the daily grind and a chance to drink beer with friends.
The objectives of the Hash House Harriers are as follows:
A hash trail is a fun combination of running/walking in a scavenger hunt style for beer, where the Harriers and Harriettes of the pack chase the Hares, following marks made in flour, on 3+/- mile long trail through various forms of terrain. You don't have to be a runner or a beer drinker to enjoy being on trail! We offer other alcoholic and non-alcoholic options. We have many walkers and/or non-drinkers on our trails.
Think you can trudge through the mud and the muck with the best of us?! Join us for a trail to find out if you're true blue! First trail is free- it's your trial version. After that, trails are $5 unless otherwise posted.
On-On -I-I-I->
Southern Pines, North Carolina, United States